Top 10k strings from Red Alert (1991)(Zenobi Software)(Part 1 of 2).z80
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1 }Albert Richards' prime seeds - the ROOT of excellence.~ 1 {swxw}wG{M{ 1 {GwNw?|P|Z| 1 {Botch with Brother' 1 {American Excess' 1 x=xExIxgxjx 1 w$w,w2w;wSw[wfwnw 1 s#r####s#r 1 me!srener!g. 1 W,+&e++4ME&c&f/W 1 UP, DOWN, NE, NW, SE, SW, TAKE, DROP, WEAR, REMOVE, INVENTORY, REDESCRIBE, LOOK, EXAMINE, QUIT, SAVE, LOAD, RAMSAVE, RAMLOAD, SAY, SPEAK, EAT, DRINK, WAIT, REACH, FEEL, FOLLOW, STAY, HELP, READ, SEARCH, SHOUT, SMELL, LISTEN, OPEN, CLOSE, LOCK, UNLOCK, FILL, EMPTY, DIG, SOW, ATTACK, STRIKE, SMASH, CUT, PUSH, PRESS, TURN, MOVE, LIFT, FIX, CONNECT, TIE, "; 1 Searching for o 1 Part one C 1 Part one B` 1 POSITION # 1 NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, "; 1 Do you require diagnostics? 1 DISCONNECT, UNTIE, PIERCE, INSERT, GIVE, SWIM, THROW, BUY, PAY, RUB." 1 Are you sure? 1 Also, use the 1 ?~~`>?>c>c 1 :PAWOVR 1 +3!S;",3"= 1 )#4+#M1Mm603! 1 )#4+#M1Mm6/Mo603! 1 )#4+#M1Mm6/Mn603! 1 (N)ORTH, (S)OUTH, (E)AST, (W)EST, (U)P, (D)OWN, (G)ET, (DR)OP, (WE)AR, (RE)MOVE, (GI)VE, (P)AY, (I)NVENTORY, (L)OOK, (R)EDESCRIBE, E(X)AMINE, (Q)UIT, (A)GAIN, (F)OLLOW, (H)ELP, (ST)AY, (V)OCAB, (Y)ES, (Z) - WAIT. 1 #)#4+#0C,.M1Mm6.Mo6/&p.. 1 "You wouldn't believe the things people do to evade syringes being stuck into 'em... then again, maybe you're one of those people!": 1 "You can count on this money to be worth its weight in gold.": 1 "These bear the {ZIKOV' trademark and are, of course, very dodgy.": 1 "The shears are admittedly a CUT above the rest, although aesthetically grim.": 1 "The packet reads: 1 "Stereotyped stuff - if you don't know their use, why are you playing adventures?": 1 "Something is scrawled on the packet. Inside, the seeds nestle.": 1 "Please don't try to turn it into graphite... silly!": 1 "Parenthesised letters form the abbreviations: "; 1 "No, not of the bowler variety - this is a workman's.": 1 "Moored nearby, it is of inexplicable beauty.": 1 "Make a map, EXAMINE everything and TALK to characters.": 1 "If it were a component of a car, it would be a hot ROD. Maybe I'll DRAW the line here.": 1 "I'll take the following with a grain of salt: French rats (being weird) adore this.": 1 "I won't rant on about the fact that you CAN OPEN 'ER!": 1 "I must say that these chips are insalubriously coated with oil.": 1 "Here are some of the accepted verbs: 1 "He knows what he's talkin' about!": 1 "Gosh, some fool's gone and sharpened the pliers - they're more like wire-cutters now!": 1 "Get that loon away from me!": 1 "Fine, fine... Help the flippin' environmentalist for Pete's sake!... or should that that be Peat's sake?": 1 "EXAMINE PANEL for info.": 1 "Can't use your eyes... you have other senses, don't you?": 1 "Atishoo, atishoo, we all fall down... Good grief, this is like 1 "'Sanything obligatory here?": 1 it says.": 1 command and pronouns